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What is the price of Audacy Inc (AUD)?

Audacy Inc. (AUD) is priced at $0.31 after the most recent trading session. At the very opening of the session, the stock price was $0.326 and reached a high price of $0.3378, prior to closing the session it reached the value of $0.33.

What is the range of the AUD/USD price?

The first minor range is .7030 to .7266. The AUD/USD is currently trading on the weak side of its retracement zone at .7120 to .7148, making it resistance.

How did the Aud start?

The Aud was like a magnet that pulled fans and players closer together. It began when Seymour H. Knox III dropped a ceremonial puck between the Buffalo Sabres’ Floyd Smith and the Montreal Canadiens’ Jean Beliveau at the first regular season game played in 1970.

Why has the Aud risen over the past decade?

Over the past decade the AUD has appreciated substantially, primarily as a result of a dramatic rise in the terms of trade.

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